Hi mate! Good to see you here. Generally the peoples will celebrates every festival by decorating House with full of colorful lights in any country. Especially for Diwali festival and Christmas. We have lot of different different types of serial lights available in the market. But lifespan of this products is sometime very less when we use continuous of hours. Even sometime it does not work due to the some loose wire connection or due to small damages.
Here in this Article, I’ll guide you, how we can fix, once those lights are not working. Also will explain some precautions before damages of same.
Prerequisites :
- Electrical resistance hand gloves.
- Electrical Tester OR Multi meter.
- Power extension box at least with one Socket & one Switch.
- Soldering Iron & wire. (Optional)
- Electrical insulation tape.
Caution : Electric shock may occur.

How to fix the Single Color lights?
Before start, Please note that there is a risk of electric shock. If you are not understand the steps or not aware about it, don’t do it at home. If you are clear about it, then make sure that you have taken the precautions including electrical resistance hand gloves.
Also I’ll give some basic concepts for the same before giving the solution. So that you can easily understand & do steps to fix the issue. In our home Current(AC) having one Positive (+) phase & one Neutral (-) phase. Once we given the both to above LED filament series lights, then they will glow. Here the positive current is always flows from positive to negative as like below shown diagram. We can fix the issue based this concept only.

Note : If these bulbs are not working means, no issue with all bulbs. That may be one or two or few were damaged.
Due to that, the power can not flows to negative phase. So that, entire series LED filaments will not glows. We have to find those lights to fix the issue as below steps.
Solution :
First of all, Please wear the hand gloves, then take power extension box, which having at least one socket with switch. Now take the single color type of series lights set, which are not working. The Led filaments series lights shown in the image 1, which having two sets of series lights as like image 2 and three lines normal wires, which connects the neutral phase to negative points of two sets. Please separate the two sets & wires before finding the fault bulbs.
After that, take the one set of lights, then remove the insulation at both end of set. Now put the one positive end into the positive point of socket in power extension box. Please make sure that the second end point is away from you, so that you can avoid & safe from electric shock. Then switch on the power box. With the help of tester, you can check the second end point of set, whether the power is passing or not.
If the tester bulb glows, the set of all series bulbs are working fine. If not, make it as two sets again by cutting the wire at the middle of set. Then do the same as above testing procedure for each set until you find the fault bulbs.
Once you find fault bulb, remove it then joint the remaining bulbs. You can also use the soldering iron to joint them strongly then insulate it by using insulation tape. After that, again prepare the two sets of lights, each having at least 15 or more. Then connect the 2 sets to neutral wire. Finally check lights by putting the both positive & negative wires in the respective points of socket in the extension box. That’s it. The set of series lights will glow. Then decorate your house with these beautiful lights…
Also read below Article :
* How to avoid the Electric shock from electric products at Home.
Thank you!
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