Troubleshooting SAP Fiori Applications & Generic Apps Tiles loading issues

By | December 13, 2018

There are many ways we can troubleshoot the SAP Fiori applications, tiles issues & other odata services problems. Some times, after completed the all Apps configurations also, the respective tiles are may not load properly.  I will guide you with the available possibilities.

Tools & Options :

  • Tcodes :
  • Page inspection Code tool
  • Meta data Cache cleanup
  • Front/Back end Cache cleanup

Complete Troubleshooting guide for Fiori Apps & Tiles issues:

As per the information available in the Fiori Apps Library, we will configure & active the all required apps, Right..! Once you assign the Role, respective App should be appear under the respective Catalog & Group. But some times may not load the tile or may get the error like “Can’t load the groups” or “can’t load the tile” when you open the App. It may happen due to some odata services mapping issue or may be due to the wrong system alias mapping. It will also cause due to the old Cache etc. These all types of issues we can find out in following ways.

  1. First of all, We can easily identify the error logs of frontend & backend systems from the below transactions.
    • /n/IWFND/ERROR_LOG – SAP Gateway Error Log
    • /n/IWBEP/ERROR_LOG – SAP GW Backend Error Log
  2. Also we can find the exact error triggering details and other services error details in Console & Network tabs of the code inspection tool. For the we have to open the Fiori Launchpad in a browser of PC/Laptop.  Once you login into the fiori launchpad, then open that app or directly inspect the Home page by right click on mouse & choose the Inspect option(Ctrl+Shift+I) or simply click F12 button. Then the respective inspection page will appear. Now select the Console or Network  & find the error details. Then do the changes accordingly & resolve the issue.
  3. Meta data cache cleanup : Most of the time, updated configuration data may not accept the app, until unless we clear the meta data cache of respective app odata service. Just go to Odata service maintenance, select the respective service, then there is a option called “Service Implementation” which is available on the top of system alias tabs. Then clear the Meta data cache of service.
  4. Font/back end systems and Browsers Cache cleanup :  Once we updated the App configuration, we have to clear the all front end and back end systems & browsers cache. Then only change may reflect.

Also please make sure that Catalog Roles & System alias are maintained properly. For that, please refer the SAP Fiori Library click here.


“I hope this Article helpful to you. If you like this, please share to your friends. If you have any queries, let me know as a comment below”

One thought on “Troubleshooting SAP Fiori Applications & Generic Apps Tiles loading issues

  1. Patrizia Dragonetti

    Fiori – How to Troubleshoot SAPUI5 Application Index Specific Issues – SAP Mobility – Community Wiki The following WIKI page is designed to explain most of the known issues related to SAPUI5 Application Index specific and be able to know how to resolve most known issues


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